Friday, March 15, 2013


I missed you girls A LOT today! I went to the Arizona quilters guild show.  There were a million people, not my favorite thing, and probably 500 quilts.  Beautiful, warm quilts in every color and size and style!  I can't believe the amount of time even the simplest quilt must have taken.  Most were not my style but I was so humbled by the beauty and the TALENT that these artist have.
At first I felt soooo out of place.  There were probably 2000 people there, not a huge venue, and maybe 10 were younger than me.  Every conversation I overheard was using technology I know nothing about.
It really put me in a quandary.  I want to be an excellent hand quilter.  I want to be really good at FMQ.  I want to be great at piecing little tiny pieces. But is that practical?  What kind of time commitment is that?  Would I be better off spending that time at the temple, the cannery, doing genealogy, volunteering at the elementary school?  All things I want to do.  I am at a point in my life where I can do good in the world.  How much time should I spend doing it.  Is being a good quilter a righteous desire? Just some things to think about.  I'm not going to the temple before the quilt show next time!
I had $200 in my pocket that I have been hoarding an I only spent $10. Very disappointing!
Things I learned:
I am drawn to vintage quilts
I love pastels
I cannot get enough of the hexies! Probably because I REALLY love hand quilting.
I want to spend more time at the temple.  I am always amazed how it puts my life in perspective.
Always take a friend, (sister).
P.S. very few modern quilts, I was a little disappointed.


  1. I wanted to think this over before I commented to make sure I mean what I was going to say.

    1. Moderation in everything. I OFTEN think of the story you told me when you were buying a minivan. You could afford something bigger and better than what you were looking at, but you kept thinking "I have sufficient for my needs." That perspective has colored my choices many many times. Maybe not fabric buying choices, but other choices. ;)

    2. It's good for the mind/soul to have a hobby. Look at dad! Those trains cost a fortune.

    3. You are using your hobby to bless the lives of others. Do you know how much I cherish the quilts you, Jenn and B have given my kids? I know it's a labor of love, and that evokes tender feelings for each of you every time I look at them.

    4. I follow a blog called Middle-aged mormon man. He posted about following the RIGHT dreams earlier this week. It's long, but worth a read.

    5. I know us, and we want to hoard all things printed (wrapping paper, ribbons, scrapbook paper and fabric.) just for the sake of HAVING it. There is some kind of weird satisfaction we get from having all the pretties lined up and in color order. I think it's a little unhealthy. If it was on sale, the satisfaction triples. (I'm a big weirdo.)

    6. God wants us to develop our talents for His purposes. Your sewing skills, Jenni, are truly a talent.

    Moral of the story, don't go fabric shopping after the temple.

  2. Okay, so I'm not thinking this over. I'm blurting out what's in my mind right now :) Mindy's right, moderation in everything. At this point, my skill level at hand quilting is a "master" (only because my stitches are between 10-12 per inch). Point is, it doesn't take long. One big quilt. Maybe two. Then you will be excellent at it, and you may find you don't enjoy it. Or you may love it. You can become very good at something quicker than you think.

    And mindy's point #3. I quilt for many reasons. Firstly, it's therapy. Secondly, I want to create a part of me. Thirdly, I want to bring warmth, joy, and smiles to my kids, friends, and family through quilts.

    And now Brian is bugging me, so I have to go. And you'd better spend that 190 bucks on fabric!!
