Thursday, August 29, 2013

Alaska Bound

Well, I finished up this tiny, little thing for my sister's cute baby (who has a hairy bum. Is that normal?? I've never seen a baby with a furry patch on their buns).  Anyway, I haven't made a quilt this small in a long time. I must admit, it was nice. Well, I guess my last one was about 10" bigger, actually. 

My blatant copying inspiration came from Tessa Marie over at The Sewing Chick, which is a blog I've been following for a while. Get ready for picture overload. 

I rather enjoyed the piecing and the attempting to get my points lined up (which is something that I usually don't care about). Amazingly, most did!  I decided not to attribute that to the fact that I pressed open every dang seam. Usually I just iron my seams in one direction, but for some reason I thought it'd be a good idea to torture myself do so this time around. So I'm just gonna pretend that open seams had nothing to do with most of my points lining up, since it was such a pain in the kiester. And it felt like it was bulkier, but maybe that was just my imagination....

 The little thing measures 36x36 

So is it bad that I don't really want to give this to my sister?? I may just have to make another one...for her.

After washing. I sure love all the wrinkly, quilty-ness. It's my most favorite part!

By the way, I'm thinking of repainting this picnic table in ombre colors. Opinions?


  1. I REALLY like this quilt! May be my favorite of yours. I usually don't like the dark, but there is something about the blue and yellow that I adore! And the pattern is awesome also. Was it very time consuming?
    About the hairy butt, children that come from hairy parents are hairy when they are born, and hispanic babies. It all rubs off.

    1. If that were true, then wouldn't Brian have produced little ape babies?

    2. Thank you! And yeah, none of my kids were hairy, which you'd think they would be. And my sister and her husband aren't necessarily hairy people, just normal. Anyway, it's just weird. This baby has hairy buns.isn't the saying, "smooth as a baby's bottom"?

  2. that quilt is adorable and I would also have a difficult time giving it up because it would be a great wall hanging for your studio or to use as a table topper.

  3. Omigosh - I just saw this on Pinterest. It looks great!! Love your choice of colors and thanks for the shout out!!!

  4. How hairy are we talking? I've seen some hairy baby, I think it's pretty normal.

    This quilt is so great. The color combo is really eye-catching. And your points look superb. I can't stop starting at it!

    1. Think backside hair, but on his little bum :)

      And thanks! I actually really love this one!
